mercoledì 7 settembre 2011

What I Learned From Online Learning

In this day in age, knowledge and continuing education is a must! There are many options available. You can use Traditional learning such as a traditional college or trade school or distance learning (school by mail) or E Learning (online courses and schools). Today, we will look at E Learning.

E Learning is rapidly becoming a favorite among many people, in many settings. It allows for learning on your time, at your pace and is available anywhere that you can connect to the internet. It is often is less expensive than traditional learning courses. There are many free courses available, but be wary! There could be a catch such as: You take the course for free, but must pay for certificates or certifications; or the course/school is not accredited. So depending on your needs, you will want to investigate further.

If you are learning for your own benefit, and do not need to present the training to your employer there are a variety of sites that provide excellent training available for free. It just depends on what you want to learn.

If you are learning for your job, you will want to check the reputation and accreditation status of the school/course you're interested in. You should also check with your human resources department to see if they will accept the certificate or proof of training that this school/course offers.

Getting Pre Employment Certifications Online

Employers love to see certifications and proof of abilities when interviewing potential new employees. And, in some cases, it could very well be the difference between you getting the job and someone else getting the job.

Unfortunately, unless it is employer sponsored, these tests/certifications are not free. Some can be rather costly, while others are not. Research your sites carefully and read all of the pricing information before signing up.

Most sites will offer free practice tests for you to take before you sign up for the certification test. I strongly recommend you take advantage of these! Imagine paying for a certification and then failing it? If you utilize the practice testing first, you will know if you need to bone up for the actual test, AND, most sites charge to retake a failed test - who wants to pay more than they have to?

Just be wary! There are plenty of scams out there! There is nothing wrong with running a search on the site your are looking at!

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