lunedì 19 settembre 2011

Rocket Piano Download - 3 Things You Will Receive With This Piano Lesson Software

In this article we will be talking about the Rocket Piano download and 3 things you can expect to receive from this very popular piano lesson software. Many people are turning to the internet to learn new things and learning musical instruments, especially the piano, is right at the top of the list. Not only does using piano software like Rocket Piano save you money, but it makes learning fun and convenient.

1. Lesson Books: With the Rocket piano download you will receive 7 digital e-books that include a Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced lesson book, as well as books that focus on individual styles such as Jazz and Gospel. It also comes with Fingering Techniques and Exercises and an Advanced Learning Techniques book. If you were to go to a music store to purchase books similar to these you would pay about $7 on up for each book, and yet with the Rocket Piano entire series you get all of these for a lot less. The quality is no less than the others though and with the additional material it is a great way to learn how to play the piano.

2. DVD and CD's: In addition to the lesson books, the digital download comes with numerous audio and video clips that go along with the books so you have plenty of examples to follow as you learn. All of this material is downloaded directly to your computer so you can simply create an individual folder for these lessons and as you make your way through the books you will be instructed on where to go next and which audio or video files to play. Unlike having a teacher and having them play something for you only a few times, you can play these files back as many times as you like which makes perfecting something a cinch.

3. Bonus Material: If the lesson books, DVD's and CD's weren't enough to keep you busy, this series also comes with a ton of bonus software like a metronome, Jayde Musica Pro which is a fun way of learning theory, Chordinator which helps you to recognize chords, and Perfect Pitch Pro which teaches you how to recognize the different intervals between the notes. You also get access to SongPond for 30 days which have awesome video lessons that teach you how to play your favorite songs by artists like Sara Bareilles, Elton John, Chopin and many more.

Above you learned more about the Rocket Piano download, hopefully to help you decide whether or not this kind of piano lesson software will work for you. It comes with 7 lesson books, an assortment of CD's and a DVD that contain audio and video clips to aid in your learning as well as a ton of bonus material. The bonus material like Jayde Musica Pro help you to learn the sometimes boring side of reading music by turning it into a game. Perfect Pitch Pro is an invaluable way of learning how to recognize the different intervals between notes, this tool helps you to easily learn how to play music by ear; it is also in a game format, you probably won't even feel like your studying you'll be having too much fun.

There is a variety of ways of learning the piano, a Rocket Piano download is one of the more popular ways because it is easy, affordable and fun. This program is so well put together that even a piano teacher endorses it.

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