giovedì 15 settembre 2011

Creating Online Quiz - New Opportunities of a Modern Age

BySrijani Mukherjee

The best gift in this world is the gift of knowledge. Most individuals who join field of Academics are usually motivated by their inner drive to gain knowledge and to dissipate it so that generations to come and society in general gets benefitted. It is not easy to continue being a teacher or a professor for a substantial part of your life, if you don't have an inner passion driving you. Every time a student calls you with how he has become successful and now leading a good responsible life, you feel the Goosebumps and know that you are making your life count.

With change in technology the methods of dissipating knowledge have changed. Students today are highly tech savvy. Their 'technophile' nature may not be so much from the need to get education, but just a struggle to be recognized and be in constant touch with their peers. This being true they usually go for technology to access almost everything they need.

While you may yourself be highly tech savvy simplify the process of reaching out to more number of students. You can do this in a number of ways. Creating your own quiz and solutions is one such way.

A smart way of doing this is by using a number of software and sites available online.

This provides a number of benefits

You need not create your own site-No Hosting No maintenanceCreating and editing a Quiz becomes very easy.Many of these websites are already integrated with financial instruments making your job easier.You get to price your own quiz on many of these websites, though they do advice on how much a realistic value of a test should be.As these sites are already being used you get more exposure.You can get regular feedbacks, ratings. You can even have forums to discuss on improving your skills.Some sites even offer the opportunity to bring a sponsor for a test with judicial revenue sharing. It gives you the opportunity to better position your skills.

The quiz can be based on contemporary competitive exams like SAT, GRE etc. It can be creative, fun or downright informative. The important factor is that they should appeal to the students and help them improve their knowledge. Great numbers of academicians across the globe are joining this newer method of sharing knowledge. It's easy, it's fun and it helps the student. If you are an academic join us soon. You will be doing what you always wanted to do but in a different way.

Hence if you wish to help out students by spreading your knowledge in the form of quizzes and questions, visit the webpage create online quiz and follow your inner wish to share your knowledge.

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