lunedì 5 settembre 2011

How to Create an Efficient Tutorial

Whether you are teaching IT, sewing techniques or industrial design, tutorials are the perfect method to make everything available to the learners and easy to understand. You can use video, Power Point presentations or screen recording software, but you can also use a written tutorial, accompanied by images. They can be used both online and offline, and in various situations. Sometimes, tutorials can play the role of an entire training course.

When it comes to tutorials, it is important that the images and the text support each other - while some images can show things that are difficult to explain in words, sometimes words can describe things that cannot be pictured. It is also important that your tutorial has a clear sequence, so that it appears clear to the learner.

The first paragraph of your written tutorial, or the introductory part of the presentation, should contain attention-grabbing phrases. Engaging the learner should start from the very beginning and this can be done by asking a question on the specific topic or sharing a shocking piece of information on the subject. The testimonials of others can also be used here. The higher impact this segment has on the learner, the more interested will he become in the subject matter.

The next part of the tutorial should briefly present the learning objectives - in a friendly manner, rather than as a list. These should state what topics you are going to cover and how this would benefit the learner. Besides objectives, an approximated length of the tutorial could be useful.

The actual content should be presented in an interactive manner, for as much as possible. For example, in a slide show, every three or four slides should be followed by a visual or audio piece. Bringing the presentation to life definitely makes it more appealing to the audience. The purpose here is to express the key concepts in a memorable manner. Concision, relevant content and feedback are elements that should be kept in mind.

Examples are what makes theory easier to understand and retain. They show how theory can be put into practice and, in the end, that is the only thing that matters. Case studies are a great tool, and they function best when they are directly connected with the field of interest of the group. As much as possible, the learners should be engaged in the conversation, with the aid of multiple choice questions.

A recap of the key concepts should be provided afterwards. This ensures that all concepts are clearly understood and it is more than a simple repetition. It is a summary, which can be translated as a bullet list that the learners can take with them and actually use in their daily work.

The final step of a good tutorial is to show how the newly learned information can be applied at the workplace. You can use more real-life examples in this section and you have to make sure that the learners understand what is expected of them after completing the training.

From getting everyone's attention to providing applications of the key concepts, every step of a tutorial is important for its overall success. Although simple, this structure leads to effective tutorials that you can use regardless of the field.

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