mercoledì 31 agosto 2011

The Latest Tips on How to Use the New MSExcel

ByJoshua Lewis

Microsoft Excel is a time-tested office tool that has proven itself again and again over the years. It is a multi-functional program that works in so many different ways. It is mainly known as an electronic spreadsheet and is frequently used as such. However, MSExcel offers so much more in terms of functionality and with so much for you to look forward to, here are the latest tips on how to use the latest version of MSExcel that you can use:

Utilize PowerPivot for data analysis
PowerPivot is an add-in for the latest version of MSEXcel. If you will be working with large worksheets and need to analyze data, this can prove to be a very powerful feature. Its key strength lies in its ability to help you load, process and work with large data files from nearly any source.

How helpful is this? It actually makes data comparison a breeze, since you can utilize whatever data is available to make a visual comparison, whether you're working on number reports, texts or graphs. If you need to filter data, you can use the Slicer functionality, which works seamlessly with massive amounts of information.

Lost files? Recover them!
You know that awful feeling you get each time you close a program or mistakenly canceled saving a file and then realizing that you just lost it? Well, you do not need to feel that way with the latest version of MSExcel.

It comes with a version recovery tool that you can access via the Microsoft Office Backstage

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