martedì 30 agosto 2011

9 Frequently Asked Questions About Moodle

ByVinod Subramani

Moodle is a part of the larger Linux ecosystem. It is an open source Learning Management System, used extensively in businesses.

Moodle stands for "Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment." It is very popular with elearning developers and educators. With an impressive array of features, Moodle is capable of addressing many instructional issues.

Many of our clients use Moodle, and often we get calls from people considering Moodle in their businesses.

In this blog post, I answer a few questions usually asked by our customers.

1) What's the cost involved in installing and maintaining Moodle?

You don't have to pay a license fee to work on Moodle. However there's a cost associated with building customized themes, training in-house staff, allocating server space and maintaining support staff.

2) Where can we host Moodle?

In a large organization with many users, it's advisable to allocate in-house server space to host Moodle. But firms with shortage of trained staff or resources to handle internally, use server space from Moodle providers.

3) Do we require customized theme design?

Moodle supports customized themes. Depending on your need, you can go for custom look and feel or choose an in-built Moodle theme. To develop custom themes in-house, you require trained staff familiar with HTML, CSS and relevant PHP coding.

4) What is the need for custom-built modules?

Most companies prefer to build custom Moodle modules. This helps them to create tailor-made elearning experiences. Moreover, customized environment gives the flexibility to track courses, record data from learners and manage training/education as per your requirement.

6) Do we need in-house IT team to handle Moodle?

If you have existing IT team then they can be trained to handle software upgrades, fix issues and create custom themes. However in most businesses, employees are already stretched with other IT responsibilities. Before you decide on an in-house team, consider their time and reliability to offer uninterrupted service.

7) What kind of Moodle training is required?

For better utilization of an LMS' capabilities, training is recommended for end-users and also for trainers.

8. How easily can we migrate from a different LMS?

You can hire an expert to migrate the process quickly, effectively and on budget.

9) Have you spoken to a Moodle expert?

Even if you're aware of the capabilities of a Learning Management System, it's good to talk to an expert on these issues:

Budget - Cost outlay for Moodle implementationImplementation time - Estimated time to set up & run the processSupport services - Training time, cost and infrastructure support and staff

Get your queries on Moodle answered by our experts

Our consultants can answer your questions and walk you through the benefits of implementing Moodle for LMS. Contact us today to get all answers to your queries about customized Moodle implementation in your business.

Vinod Subramani

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