lunedì 3 ottobre 2011

Passive Profit Machines

I have to admitthis here and now - - I DID NOT get these results from one hour ofwork. Or even a month of work. It took me some time to scale these upand get them to where they are now. The secret is that Iused theright models.
But... itwasn't always this way...

Before I ever got to this point, I had to learn some hard lessons. I used to be like you, worrying about making it to the job ontime, trying to please my boss and co-workers, trying to just find thetime in a day to do the stuff I really wanted to do -  allthat stuff - and Istruggled for a long time to change it. 

You see, like you,  I had some bad information that people hadgiven me and some beliefs that were holding me back.  Many ofthese things I had to "unlearn"...

"REVEALED:the MYTHS, the LIES, and
the TRUTH aboutmaking money online"
MYTH: You have to SPEND money to MAKE money

You hear all the time that youhave to "spend money to make money". All that does is make your wallet lighter without making youany richer.  The result is that you end up spending more andmore money without making any money and at the end of the day, that'sthe exact opposite of what you WANT to do.

MYTH: Hard work will eventually pay off

People tell you that you have to "work hard" and that "hardwork" willeventually win out.  What if you have bad or outdatedinformation?    You could work on the method foreverand it'll NEVER make you any money.

And - hard work takes time - and if you are spending all of your timeon hard work, that leaves you no FREE TIME to do the things you reallywant to do.  If you follow this path, you'll miss kid'ssporting events, you'll miss vacations, you'll miss out on time withfriends and family - the very things that you want more of - not lessof.

MYTH: Focus on one method until it works

Some of the so-called "guru's" would tell you to pick one methodtogenerate online income and stick with it until it works.  Asfast as the internet is changing, picking any one method almostguarantees that the method you choose will become obsolete andineffective.  That means that all the time and money you putinto that method will be wasted and you'll be starting over - from zero.

So instead of building up an online income, you end up wasting time ona method that could dissappear between the time you go to bed and thetime you get up in the morning...

MYTH: You just need to learnmore stuff

If you search enough, or waste enough money on enough "internetmarketing" courses, you'll see a pattern to them...  theyalways seem to lead you to another "secret" that you need to know. 

Learning the next so called "secret" takes more money and even more ofyour time.  And in the end, those courses and "guru's" makeyou do the opposite of what you want - they make you waste more of yourtime and money.

LIE:Trading Time for money equals Passive Income
FACT: any time youhave to trade YOUR TIME to get income – it is NOT passiveincome.That is called work. I have researched this topic for months now andsome people will tell you that doing consulting work is“passiveincome”.  They'll give you several examples of waysto make money and call it "passive" but ALL OF THEM require YOUR TIMEand that's hogwash.

Passiveincome means onething: you set something up onceand you get paid forever with noadditional time or work required. If you want to increase the amount ofincomeyou receive, that will take additional time and set up, BUT, you justdo it ONE TIME.

Let's cut to the chase and let megive youeverything you need NOW rather than wasting any more of your time...


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