sabato 12 novembre 2011

Accredited Online MBA Programs

ByMichelle Carol Ryan

Do exist? Actually you might be surprised to learn that, most online colleges are accredited.

There are several agencies that do accreditation. Probably the most important thing to consider is whether the school itself holds accrediation. Accreditation fundamentally says to a college student, another college or university, or perhaps an employer that an institution meets selected levels of quality. The groups that accredit colleges usually are frequently from a state or national level. They all have requirements that are assessed and need to be met by the school before accreditation can be awarded.

Almost all colleges and universities are certified, even the internet ones. You will find a bunch of accrediting organizations throughout the United States. The most appropriate ones to look for are the regional bureaus. The following are valid accreditation agencies you should take into account while researching online schools:

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

New England Association of Schools and Colleges

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Western Association of Schools and Colleges

There are many alternative accrediting bodies, however when considering whether or an online MBA program is certified, the above are the primary organizations you should look for. Anything that is not on that list should be considered suspect!

There is yet another accreditation which you could search for if you wish to acquire your Master of Business Administration online. That's the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business or AACSB. The majority of online MBA programs do not hold this particular accreditation as it is appropriated mostly for traditional colleges. It really is held in substantial regard by academics. Outside of the those circles, it is not as crucial.

The AASCB is definitely discretionary for most students. For schools, it is a approval process rigorous. Several "modern" online schools don't desire AACSB certification due to the fact it restricts what they're able to offer you in terms of learning. Some of their requirements for courses are considered outdated in the real world of business.

The greatest benefit for a student attending an AACSB school is transferability. Should you think you may possibly end up being transferred in the course of your Master of Business Administration plan, some other AACSB college may recognize a few of the credits (generally 9 to 12 or 3 or 4 courses). Nearly all of the AACSB colleges are the classic, large private, state level and well-known programs (Harvard, Stanford, Michigan, and so on.).

At last check, fewer than 50 AASCB business schools have an internet program. These schools are not so quick to embrace technology and changes in the industry! As a former University worker, I know this is because of political motives and colleges holding to their old approaches. Numerous programs have designed a "hybrid" in which the program isn't completely online. Should you absolutely prefer an AACSB approved online program, here are a few:

Southeast Missouri State

Texas A&M

East Carolina

University of South Dakota

University of Nebraska

There are actually several more schools that have AACSB accreditation for online MBA programs. One thing to think about while shopping around at AACSB colleges is that they usually require prospective students to take the GMAT examination. In the event you are looking for a MBA program without the GMAT, you will probably need to think about a non-AASCB school. Again, this is not always a bad thing!

What it comes down to is AASCB accreditation isn't as crucial as the specific accredition for the college or university itself. When considering online MBA programs, accredited or not, you will need to consider the best fit for yourself, as well as your academic and future career ambitions.

Michelle is a former MBA program administrator who understands what accreditation for online MBA programs means and why it is important. She blogs about several other related topics. Find out more by linking to her blog.

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