sabato 3 marzo 2012

God of Carnage - Acting Edition (Paperback) newly tagged "comedy"

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

38 of 39 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars A Brilliant Play, May 26, 2009 As I write this (May 26, 2009), "The God of Carnage" by Yasmina Reza is a huge hit on Broadway and has numerous Tony nominations. As in "Life X 3" the dramatist has assembled four people in a room, two couples Veronique and Michel Vallon paired against Alain and Annette Reille. The Reille son Ferdinand has struck eleven-year-old Bruno Vallon with a stick and knocked out two of the boy's teeth.

Two couples arguing over a children's playground fight? No, that would be too easy for Reza. It's a contest that drags in the state of the two marriages, the attributes and characters of all four adults. It becomes a war of wills, probing the fabric of their lives and lies.

It's fun to watch these four people destroying themselves and each other as battle lines are drawn and redrawn. The insults they throw at each other are priceless. Loyalty to one's spouse becomes a disposable commodity. Spouses turn on spouses; new alliances are formed and dissolved. Vomit plays a role in the farce so be prepared. There are some very funny lines. Michel says, "Puking seems to have perked you up."

Both men show off their macho credentials by boasting about being gang members when they were kids. Bruno is accused of being a grass (informer). Michel becomes a "murderer" because he has gotten rid of the family's pet hamster, Nibbles, on the street. All of them are self-indulgent yuppies who easily get off the subject of the kids and into their yuppyish issues. Alain, a lawyer, is constantly talking on his cell phone until someone puts it out of commission.

It's a very clever, focused play, full of laughs. The play owes something to Absurdist traditions. The dialogue at times is inane and absurdist, ridiculous. The way the trouble intensifies is like the proliferation of chairs in Ionesco's famous play. The verbal slaughter that takes place on the stage makes clear the title. Deep meaning and insights? No, but, yes to stripping bare the pretensions and inner feelings of four self-absorbed spoiled adult brats who are probably raising monsters like themselves.

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars god of carnage, July 8, 2009 I saw the stage play "God of Carnage"and throughly enjoyed it. The dialogue between the four characters was so interesting I had to read the written play, The interchange of ideas by their open discussion was wonderful. Reading the script brought more meaning to the play. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? 

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars The god of the smaller things, February 9, 2011 This review is from: God of Carnage - Acting Edition (Paperback) "[Are] we interested in anything but ourselves? Of course we'd all like to believe in the possibility of improvement", says poor Alain, one of the four characters in Yasmina Reza's play "The god of carnage". He may be na?ve for a single moment saying this, but deep down he - and probably the French dramatist - do not believe in the possibility of improving the human being.

Alain, his wife Annette, and the couple Véronique and Michel, are clear example of the well meant bourgeoisies whose blindness do not allow to see beyond their belly tummy. The answer to Alain first question is: not. No, they - and for extension we - are not interested in anything but themselves. The excuse for the gathering is each couple's child behavior - one of them has hurt the other with a stick. This is said in the first lines of the play, but what arises after a couple of minutes is the inherent nastiness that inhabits the inside of each of us.

Reza's strong dialogues - translated with pitch perfection by Christopher Hampton - exposes above all her characters' moral fragilities. They are like a quartet playing a game whose winner is the one who best betrays his/her companions. For that they pair up with somebody else from the other couple, but, in the end, each is playing for on his/her own.

What is it to be a parent? What is it to be half of a married couple? Are there rules for one live in society? How to fulfill other people's expectations towards us? Or, as a matter of fact, should we? There is a lot of irony in "The god of carnage" because we behave as others expect us to, and rarely show our true colors. They criticize the children's behavior and are hoped to teach them how to behave. But how can they do that when they themselves behave worse?

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venerdì 2 marzo 2012

Underdog: The Complete Series (DVD) newly tagged "comedy"

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

57 of 60 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars More info for the 9 Disc Set, October 10, 2011 This review is from: Underdog: The Complete Series (DVD) We finally have some sort of description of this upcoming release from SHOUT!Factory. This info was posted on Let's keep our fingers crossed this all comes to light!

The long-awaited legendary cartoon arrives on DVD from Shout! Factory this coming January 24th with every episode of Underdog, plus original shorts featuring characters such as Go Go Gophers, Klondike Kat and Commander McBragg. This all comes enclosed in "high-end packaging" with all-new DVD extras that will entice fans to jump on this release! While Shout! hasn't finalized the supplements for the set, the preliminary info sent to retailers (may be subject to change!) shows these bonus items they hope to have will include:
Commemorative book; Bonus cartoons: Tooter the Turtle and The Hunter; Alternate episode openings and closings; Featurette; Commentaries with writer/producer/co-creator W. Watts Biggers, voice actor George S. Irving, producer Treadwell Covington, animation historian Mark Arnold and more...
Again, that list is NOT finalized, and could be subject to change. Stay tuned for the official Shout! Factory press release for all of the completed details about Underdog - The Complete Collector's Edition 9-DVD set. Remember, as much as 70% to 80% of the material on this title has never been released on DVD before.

NOTE: Some of our readers have inquired with us about original music on this set, pointing out that some syndicated rebroadcasts in recent years have had replacement music, and hence such replacements were also seen on some of the previous home video releases. We asked the studio about this, and we were told in reply that Shout! Factory is *not* using syndicated masters of the episodes, so there is unlikely to be any replacement music on their DVD release. Our contact informs us that "we are rebuilding the shows to their original television airing as best we can", pointing out that the cartoons were never saved that way (as a 22-minute show), but rather they were saved as the individual cartoons. So they are going to do their very best to re-create the original viewing experience!

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15 of 16 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars I Love the Underdog DVD Set!, January 28, 2012 This review is from: Underdog: The Complete Series (DVD) I got my advance copy of this, and I have to say that it turned out quite well. There are always problems always inherent in these sorts of things where all of the film elements had to be compiled from different sources. As a result (I'll go through the negative first), some of the opening and closing elements are of a rough bootleg quality, because they are! I supplied them. Somehow, even though these shows had aired endlessly for about 30 years, things got lost. The audio wasn't even transferred on many cartoons, so that we have many cases where audio from bootlegs is supplied to be reconnected with pristine video images.

Now for the positive, this is the most complete Underdog set that has been issued, and that you will probably ever find. Episodes are presented in chronological order and overall are very well. Unfortunately, some of the episodes have the updated titles, but this is very minor considering the excellent picture quality of a lot of these items. And the theme songs are all there, and all original, too!

The documentary segment plays very well and is quite informative. Everyone is very animated in their discussions...even me! My segments were recorded in Oregon last August. I haven't listened to the phone conversations yet, but I assume that they've come out well, also. I even learned something that I didn't include in my book, that Norma MacMillan voiced Sweet Polly from LA, and not New York. No one told me that before and I never thought to ask.

Overall, I'd give it 9 1/2 out of 10, for the few minor shortcomings this has, but really it is a 10 for the outstanding effort put in by me and Cliff MacMillan, Reed Kaplan, Mark Yurkiw, Dave Downey and all the rest of the interview subjects.

Next, comes Tennessee Tuxedo And His Tales: Complete Collection

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Great News & Pre-Ordered, December 6, 2011 This review is from: Underdog: The Complete Series (DVD) I have two official Sony Wonder DVDs with a few episodes and a bootleg copy (with up n down picture and sound quality) of just about all the episodes of Underdog. Even so, I've been waiting on the complete official release for years. Shout sounds like they care about how they release these old shows so I'm confident that the PQ & AQ will be the best it can be.

The Sony Wonder DVDs mentioned above didn't even have the original theme music for the episodes with the Gophers, McBragg and Klondike and that is another big reason for wanting to get this set. The real icing on the cake would be if there were original vintage commmercials not in the extras but in place like originally broadcast. One thing that all the shows have is great theme and incidental background music that is very catchy.

I have two books at home on the people who were responsible for these cartoons and it's sad that most of them aren't around anymore. Back then, Underdog was in competition with Rocky & Bullwinkle (another favorite)and some have mistakenly thought the same people produced both shows. The mix-up came from the fact that a lot of the artwork was done by the same studio (Gamma) in Mexico. It would also be nice to see all "The King & Odie" episodes released with Tooter Turtle, The Hunter and Tennessee Tuxedo. Even better would be if all these cartoons would be released on Blu Ray? Thanks Shout for bringing these out.

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giovedì 1 marzo 2012

Jack & Dora Do L.A. (Paperback) newly tagged "comedy"

Robert Szeles (pronounced saylesh) is an author, award-winning songwriter and music producer, graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, video director and accomplished swing and blues dancer. His stories explore the dynamics of male/female interaction, romantic love, sexuality, relationship forms, questions of reality, altered states of perception and the general crazy and sometimes comical mystery of existence. He loves writing about Hollywood and California. He explores these topics and their place in American culture in his weekly blog, Sex and The Single Author. Robert lives in the Silverlake neighborhood of Los Angeles and belongs to the small group of literary misfits known as the Miracle Mile Writer's Club.

His literary heroes are Gore Vidal, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, John Fowles, Fritz Leiber, Kurt Vonnegut and Philip K. Dick, amongst others.

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